Most frequent questions and answers


Dermaplaning is a treatment that uses a medical scalpel to gently exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells and remove fine facial hair commonly known as “peach fuzz”, technically called “vellus” hair. it can be used as an alternative to laser treatments and microdermabrasion or along with them for an enhanced result. This procedure will give your skin a more radiant appearance. Following the treatment, makeup application is smoother and other skincare products are able to penetrate deeper in turn making hem more effective.

This treatment is extremely safe when performed by an properly trained skincare professional. There is no more risk to the skin than when you shave your legs. There is also no downtime associated with this procedure.

Dermaplaning is effective by performing a gentle scraping motion across the skin’s surface. With hair removal such as waxing and threading, most people have the idea that all hair removal is painful, but Dermaplaning is entirely painless. There are risks of cuts on the skin, however they are small and very minor as the pressure used for Dermaplaning cannot cause a deep cut. These nicks and scrapes  heal within 24-48 hours.

No. There are different types of hair that grow on the body; vellus hair and terminal hair. Vellus hair is found on most areas of the body except palms, soles, lips and genital areas, whereas terminal hairs are found on the scalp, underarms and pubic region. The soft and fine vellus hair grows back at the same rate and texture.

Hyperkeratosis is a build up of dead skin cells on the skin’s surface. By removing this initial layer, a chemical peel is able to penetrate deeper into the dermis resulting in a more effective treatment. The conjunction of dermaplaning and a chemical peel leaves the skin refreshed and rejuvenated. Together they promote new skin growth and target problems such as aging, sun spots and environmental damage.


The length of time varies on a client to client basis. Not everyone’s eyebrows are exactly the same. Some are very thick, very thin or non-existent. Some appointments can take one a half hours to up to three hours. This depends how much needs to be done or discussed prior to the procedure starting.

Everyone’s pain tolerance is different so this will just depend. We use two topical anesthetics to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Getting tattooed when you’re on your menstral cycle can elevate discomfort and weaken your pain tolerance so it’s highly recommended to schedule around your menstrual cycle.

Healing can take up to two weeks. Right after your procedure, your eyebrows are going to appear very dark due to blood coming to the surface of the skin. Once you reach six to ten days, you’ll experience peeling and patchiness. Once you get to two weeks, your peeling should have stopped. Your eyebrows might appear on the light side, which is normal. Once you get to week four, you’ll notice the pigment get darker again and the eyebrow appear fuller and more natural.

It can last up to one to three years but also varies on a client by client basis.

Contributing factors include pigment color [the lighter the color, the faster it will fade], lifestyle [sun exposure will speed up the pigmentation fading process; always put SPF 30 on your eyebrows], and iron deficiencies [if you’re iron deficient, your body can absorb the pigment as an supplement which will cause the pigment to fade faster], age [if you’re young, your skin cell turnover is faster so the pigment will last longer].